Nato Tiger Meet Military staff “in processing”

During the last couple of days, in addition to The Portuguese Air Force Military staff, military staff from The Portuguese Navy, The Portuguese Army, Swiss, Dutch, Italian and Polish military staff have also arrived to participate in Nato Tiger Meet 2021. Upon arrival, everyone performed ?in processing?.

This process is made up of different administrative phases that vary depending on the participants logistical needs. The first phase consists of ID, which allows the organization to know who the participant is, its country of origin and respective military force. There is also documentation management, accommodation, vehicle card allocation and finance.

The Portuguese Army head of budget and finance, Captain Carla Santos, clarifies that this process is quite important because ?it is the first impression that military staff (national and foreign) have of the exercises? organization, and so, we don?t want anything to go wrong on the first day?.

After this process, the participants receive a welcome package and are directed to a welcome briefing, where every area of the exercise is presented and the respective safety rules inside the Air Base, medical procedures to adopt taking into consideration the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as schedules and points of interest inside Air Base Nº11.